Ny212 is a famous fast food parlor in Lahore. They have branches in Gulberg, Johar Town and Bahria Town with the same menu and prices. Their menu contains special malai boti pizza, pasta, burgers, sandwiches, prawns, finger fish, french fries, molten lava and much more. The serve hygienic food and use imported cheese. Let's find a public opinion about their food quality. Watch out the video.
#Ny212RestaurantInLahore #Ny212PizzaParlor
#MalaiBotiPizza#NY212Gulberg #NY212JoharTown #NY212BahriaTown #FastFoodRestaurants #RestaurantsInLahore #FastFoodPoint #JoharTown #Burgers #Sandwiches #SignatureBurgers #Pasta #Sandwiches #Prawns #FingerFish #FrenchFries #MoltenLava #ImportedCheese