Kafeel Khan, the Uttar Pradesh doctor jailed under the tough National Security Act (NSA) was freed from a jail in Mathura at midnight on September 1. Khan was jailed for an alleged speech against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act or CAA. The Allahabad High Court on August 31 called his detention illegal and ordered the government to free him immediately. The doctor's speech did not show any effort to promote hate or violence, the Allahabad High Court said. After the court verdict, when the jail authorities did not free the doctor for hours, his family had said they would file a contempt petition in the Allahabad HC. Dr Khan's mother Nuzhat Parveen said she will finally be able to "see, touch and feel" her son after a long time. Dr Khan was charged under the NSA for his speech against the CAA at a talk at Aligarh Muslim University. The doctor from UP's Gorakhpur was arrested on January 29. He was first charged for allegedly promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion. Charges under the NSA were invoked two days after he was given bail on February 10, 2020.