It’s been over a month since our Baahubali star Rana Daggubati announced his relationship with Miheeka Bajaj. And now, the bride-to-be, Miheeka also an interior designer delighted fans with some stunning pictures of herself from the pre-wedding celebrations. Sharing the pics, Miheeka thanked the designers & make-up artists for "making her day so much more special!" Rana Daggubati’s & Miheeka Bajaj’s wedding is one of the most-awaited events of the year. Reportedly, Rana and Miheeka will tie the knot on August 8. The couple and their respective families are yet to make an official announcement. But there are numerous rumours doing rounds and the latest one is about the wedding venue. As per a report in India Glitz, Taj Falaknuma Palace in Hyderabad is where the wedding will take place. Recently, we got a glimpse of Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar’s fam-jam with Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar. In the video, Farhan can be seen waving at the camera as Shabana pans it across the room. From attending Farhan’s family gatherings to visiting Shabana Azmi in the hospital, Shibani is always there by Farhan’s side. Recently, Farhan and Shibani trended a great deal for reports about their rumoured wedding. As per reports, the couple is planning a wedding ceremony by the end of this year. Last year Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar trended a great deal for posting a photo of their ring-adorned hands. Sunny is enjoying her time in LA with friends and family. From feeding giraffes to visiting farms, Sunny is making the most of her unplanned vacay and we are glad to see her pics. In the recent pic, Sunny slipped into a hot black monokini while enjoying a swimming date with one of her friends in LA. Abhishek Bachchan was seen post a dubbing session.