Nawazuddin Siddiqui who turned 46 on May 19 finds himself the subject of unexpected headlines. The actor’s wife of 11 years, Aaliya Siddiqui has sent a legal notice to him claiming maintenance & divorce. The notice was sent to the Sacred Games star on May 7 through email & WhatsApp due to the unavailability of speed post amid the coronavirus pandemic. Aaliya in a recent interview with The Indian Express revealed that the couple had been troubled for the last decade. Aaliya also said that she used the lockdown as an opportunity to end the marriage. Abhay Sahai, lawyer for Aaliya also informed that Nawazuddin is yet to respond to the notice. Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Aaliya got married in the year 2009 and are parents to a daughter named Shora and son Yaani Siddiqui. It is the second marriage for the actor. Nawazuddin is currently in his hometown Budhana, Uttar Pradesh.