In this interview, Anchor Kalyani talks in detail about her career so far. Kalyani Rohit started her journey in the entertainment biz early on. She debuted as a child artist in 'Alli Thanda Vaanam' and was known for her scenes with Prabhu Deva in the film. Talking about the film industry, Kalyani was forced to leave as directors would often offer her lead roles with the request of 'adjustments' or sexual favours.
Vikatan App-ல் தினமும் வேட்டை Daily 12 PM to 2 PM விகடன் DAILY CINE QUIZ Challenge-ல சிம்பிளா பதில் சொல்லுங்க... செமயா ரூ.500 மதிப்புள்ள பரிசு வெல்லுங்க!
00:00 Start
01:52 Being child Artist
03:05 Initial Break
05:00 Stage Fear
06:30 Prabhudeva
08:30 Casting Couch
11:00 Me Too Moment
14:00 Vijay Tv
15:45 Singing
Reporter- Ayyanar Rajan, Host - Krishna Edit - Guna
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