GOA | Cacra | 4K Video | Drone Shot | Mavic Mini
Cacra or Kakra is a small village in Goa situated near the Goa University atop the Taleigao plateau. The people here are known as the Cacracars and mainly depend on fishing. One can see a cluster of houses in the area with a lot of wooden canoes and fishing nets all over.
The people in Cacra celebrate both Christmas as well as Ganesh Chaturti. In early May they also celebrate a traditional cultural fest known as Zagor which is sort of a folk dance drama. At a village cross also Ladainhas are held once a year.
One can also see a small government primary school in Cacra that has very few students. The people of Cacra also enjoy a local sport of coconut breaking that also attracts a lot of people from the neighbouring villages of Oxel and Nauxe.
In Cacra one can often enjoy the view of the swaying palms and breeze of the sandy coastline. People who are looking for some isolated places in Goa can come to this beautiful place. However sometimes one can often find a lot of students who often come here from the University guest house nearby.
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Music: https:https://youtu.be/tcHJodG5hX8
For business enquiries:
Name: Adil Palyekar
[email protected]Personal Instagram account :https://www.instagram.com/__snowhound92__/
Photography account: https://www.instagram.com/_adi.photography/
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