Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka are bracing for a cyclone which is expected to hit its coastal cities on November 25. For more than two days, a low-pressure system had prevailed in the south Bay of Bengal. The Bay of Bengal will see its second Severe Cyclone of the year, after Super Cyclone Amphan formed in May. The next three days shall see extremely heavy rain, strong winds along with highly rough sea conditions. The depression will intensify into a cyclone sometime on November 24. At this stage, the wind speed will range between 70 to 80 km/ hr gusting to 90km/ hr. The cyclone will further gain strength into a Severe Cyclone category (90 to 100 km/hr gusting to 110 km/hr) by November 25. Maximum hazard due to this cyclone will be caused to Tamil Nadu. Extreme weather, here, would occur both on November 24 & 25. With extremely heavy rain, of the order of 20cm or more, forecast on November 25, IMD has placed Tamil Nadu under ‘red’ (take action) alert. On November 24, winds with speeds 65 to 75 km/hr gusting to 85 km/hr would prevail off Tamil Nadu coast. IMD has suggested complete suspension of fishing activity in the west-southwest regions of the Bay of Bengal till November 25. Fishermen have been advised to not venture into the sea during the next three days. Temporary houses and huts could suffer damage.
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