India Independence day Special 2021 | facts about national anthem of India

My Searches 2020-12-14

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National Anthem of India
Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka jaya he
In which who is adhinayaka, is that British King George V
Everyone unable to believe that, was National Anthem (an·thm) of India Jana gana Mana written to appreciate the British King George V. Does it not indicate any love for the motherland.

Brothers and sisters Rabindranath Tagore revealed that, the poem is not praise the British King George V or any other George. According to My Search the poem which is created by Rabindranath Tagore and George and you and me, we are all one part in creation. So don't need to praise anyone or anything that is visible to us. Praise one and only creator, who is not visible, who is not having shape, who is not need anyone help, who given thinking ability to us to wrote such a beautiful poem Jana Gana Mana. I hope this information makes you know well and inspire.

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Independence day speech 2020 facts about national anthem of India | Independence day special

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