PRIYA — India’s first female superhero, embarks on a mission to stop the spread of Covid-19. She befriends a little girl named Meena to show her the sacrifices made by frontline healthcare workers and instill the power of courage and compassion during this difficult time. The short animated film, PRIYA’S MASK, is an important testament to the courage of women healthcare workers and will help educate people about the virus. An international array of actors and leaders lend their voices to this important film including Vidya Balan, Mrunal Thakur, Sairah Kabir and Rosanna Arquette.
#PowerOfPriya #istandwithpriya #priyasmask #vidyabalan #mrunalthakur #indiasfirstfemalesuperhero #comicbook #generationequality #genderequality #priyasmission #girlpower #gopriya #storiesofindia #covid19 #usinnorthindia #Superheroes #BrownSuperhero #IndianSuperhero
#COVID_19 #covid19safety
#covid19awareness #covid19insights
#Frontlinehealthworkers #COVIDcaregivers
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