Katrina Kaif, in an Instagram post on November 22, shared that she got herself tested for COVID-19 before a shoot. The actor, who was in Maldives earlier this month for a commercial shoot, posted a video of herself taking the test because for her, "safety first". In the clip, Katrina can be seen wearing a white outfit and sitting on a chair as a healthcare personnel in PPE kit takes her sample. Varun Dhawan also got the test done as a precautionary measure, before returning to the sets. The actor had shared the video of himself getting the test done. Preity Zinta who is also the co-owner of the Kings XI Punjab team had to undergo COVID-19 tests quite a few times until she finally tested negative. Preity had also shared a video of herself getting the test done. Raveena Tandon too had shared a video of herself getting the test done before jetting-off to Dalhousie to begin shooting for her upcoming film, KGF Chapter 2. Prateik Babbar had also taken the test and shared the video on social media. Many celebrities tested positive for the deadly virus including Amitabh Bachchan and his family, Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora. The recent addition to the list is actor-producer Nikhil Dwivedi. Salman Khan and his family had to undergo the test after his driver and two staff members tested positive for the deadly virus. Salman and family have tested negative.