Union Culture and Tourism Minister Prahlad Patel who visited the Red Fort to take stock of the damage by agitating farmers during the tractor rally, on Wednesday said that he has directed officials to register an FIR regarding the vandalism immediately. The rift within the groups of protesting farmers surfaced as two farmers' groups pulled out of the protest against the Centre's three farm laws today a day after the violence during the Republic Day tractor rally. Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa and his former industries minister Murugesh Nirani on Wednesday were granted protection from arrest by the Supreme Court, which took up their petition against the revival of a criminal case against them. The Supreme Court has turned down the plea for protection for makers and actors of web series 'Tandav.' The plea was filed by the director Ali Abbas Zafar and actors Saif Ali Khan and Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub among others.
#FarmerProtest #TandavRow #RedFort