A man in Delhi was thrashed by another man while being forced to chant \"Pakistan Murdabad”. After the video was widely shared on social media, police said the accused has been arrested & an FIR (filed a first information report) has been filed in the case. He pins him down to the ground and tells him -\"Zor se bol (say loudly), Hindustan Zindabad (Long live India). Pakistan Murdabad”. As the man being beaten up holds Goswami\'s feet, he shouts angrily, \"Leave my feet\". Voices of other men, probably recording the video in northeast Delhi\'s Khajuri Khas locality, can be heard as they curse this man being roughed up. They tell him to chant, \"Asaduddin Owaisi Murdabad\". Ajay Goswami was also named an accused last year in a Delhi riots case, police said. Fresh clip from northeast Delhi has prompted sharp reactions on social media. It\'s not yet clear, however, what led to the incident. Police said probe is on.