The Cão de fila de São Miguel, also known as Saint Miguel Cattle dog is a brave, protective and smart dog breed. In this video i will tell you all you need to know about the Saint Miguel Cattle Dog.
Short Cão de fila de São Miguel description:
The Cão de fila de São Miguel has a robust, hardy and muscular appearance and it has body slightly longer than tall. The Saint Miguel Cattle dog is pretty big dog, but not over – sized. The average height is between 19-24 inch which is 48-61 cm and weight is usually between 50-80 pounds, which is 23-37 kg. Females are naturally slightly smaller than males.
The Cão de fila de São Miguel is both – extraordinary working dog, but also great companion. When they are working, they are usually serving as cattle dogs and as protectors. And they are excellent at those jobs, because the Saint Miguel Cattle dog is very determined and it is said, that one Fila de Sao Miguel can manage a herd of cows.