Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij on Wednesday accused the Delhi government of 'looting' a tanker carrying medical oxygen for Covid-19 patients in hospitals, which was going from Panipat to Faridabad. While speaking to the reporters the health minister said, ''Yesterday, one of our oxygen tankers was going from Panipat to supply to hospitals in Faridabad. When it was passing through Delhi, the tanker was looted by the Delhi government which is very wrong." In the other story, Bharat Biotech on Wednesday announced the results of its second interim analysis for Covaxin and said the vaccine has demonstrated an overall interim clinical efficacy of 78 per cent against mild, moderate and severe Covid-19. The vaccine manufacturer said due to the recent surge in Covid-19 cases, 127 symptomatic cases were recorded, and it was estimated that the vaccine has overall efficacy of 78 per cent against mild, moderate, and severe Covid-19 disease. It said the efficacy against severe Covid-19 disease was 100 per cent and had an impact on reduction in hospitalizations. Watch India First for more!