Serum Institute of India's Covishield will cost states Rs 300 instead of Rs 400, CEO Adar Poonawalla tweeted on April 28, calling it a "philanthropic gesture". The higher prices of vaccines for states & private hospitals have provoked anger & debate since Serum made the announcement weeks ago. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on April 28 hit out at the government over the "high" Covid-19 vaccine prices, saying the system has once again failed Indian citizens. "Once again, the failed 'system' fails our citizens for Modi-mitrs' profit, " he said. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had said on April 26 that vaccines should have one price & had also appealed to the Centre to bring down the price. From May 1, as vaccinations open to all adults, states & private entities can buy doses directly from manufacturers under the Centre's liberalised policy to tackle the explosion of Covid-19 cases. While Serum announced a price of Rs 400 rupees for states and Rs 600 for private hospitals, Bharat Biotech set the prices at Rs 600 and Rs 1,200 a dose