Hours after the poll results were declared in West Bengal, political violence erupted across the state on May 3. At least eight people have been killed, reported The Indian Express. BJP said that six of its workers were among those killed, reported The Indian Express. They said “TMC goons” attacked & vandalised several of its offices, including one in Nandigram where the party’s candidate Suvendu Adhikari defeated Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Adhikari’s car was also attacked in Nandigram, the party said. TMC rejected the allegation and said that one of its workers was killed in Burdwan. The newly formed Indian Secular Front (ISF), which had aligned with the Congress-Left alliance, also said that one of its workers was killed in North 24 Parganas. The state police did not confirm the number of deaths or provide any details, reported The Indian Express. Union Home Ministry has, however, asked the state government to submit a report on the “post-poll violence targeting opposition political workers in the state.”