Zebra was picked from the crowd,
from among the unarmed animals on the farm.
Beaten by animal thugs, dragged on the ground,
he struggled to stay alive.
Eyes poked, nose poked, mouth poked, bruises on top,
he screamed and yelled, for he wanted to survive.
Zebra was caught and tied up,
thrown in jail for a year and a half,
before stands trial in a place called the court,
on an animal farm.
* * * *
Armed Lion said he was under attack,
by unarmed animals on the farm,
his finger was beaten off,
for beating and dragging unarmed Zebra, and for
poking his eyes, nose and mouth, on the ground.
Zebra was found guilty,
to be jailed for years five and a half,
for he wanted to stay alive and survive,
in a place called HKG,
which was once supposed to be,
a just and fair animal farm.
* * * *
Justice has been served,
for the reattached finger of the low-life high school drop-out lion thug;
Sentence is to be served,
by the beaten world-class university graduate zebra.
What an animal farm.
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