Delhi High Court on May 24 directed the Drug Controller to inquire into the issue of politicians buying Covid-19 drugs in bulk amid shortages. The court observed that while BJP MP Gautam Gambhir must have been distributing the medicines to the best of his intention, the gesture unintentionally did a disservice. The high court also directed the Drug Controller of Delhi government to conduct a similar inquiry into the allegations of procuring & hoarding medical oxygen made against AAP MLAs Priti Tomar & Praveen Kumar & file a status report. HC was hearing a PIL seeking lodging of an FIR on the allegations that politicians are able to procure in huge quantity & distribute medicines even as patients were running from pillar to post to get them. The bench perused the status report of Delhi Police. The report stated that Gambhir had purchased 2,628 strips of Fabiflu, used for treating COVID-19 patients, on the prescription of Dr Manish of Sanjay Garg Hospital. While 2,343 strips were distributed to patients, remaining 285 strips were deposited with Delhi government’s Director General of Health Services for distribution, in view of court’s earlier order. Watch the video to know more.