Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao announced separation after 15 years of marriage on July 3. On July 4, the duo spoke to their fans in Hindi in a video shared on the YouTube page of Paani Foundation. It is a non-profit organisation founded by Aamir, Kiran and the team behind the Satyamev Jayate show. Aamir began by saying that the news must have come as a shock and dismay for many. “Our relationship has changed but we are still together in a way,” he said. “In these 15 beautiful years together we have shared a lifetime of experiences, joy and laughter, and our relationship has only grown in trust, respect and love. Now we would like to begin a new chapter in our lives — no longer as husband and wife, but as co-parents and family for each other,” Rao and Khan had said in a joint statement. Kiran Rao and Aamir Khan got married on December 28, 2005. Aamir was previously married to Reena Dutta. Khan & Dutta got divorced in 2002. They have together produced acclaimed and commercially successful films like Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na, Peepli Live, Dhobi Ghat, Delhi Belly, Talaash, Dangal, among others. Watch the video to know more.