Maqlooba is one of the most popular and delicious dish from Saudi Arabia. It is also spelled as Maglooba, Maklooba or Macklooba. This is dish is regularly cooked in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yaman, Iran, Dubai, etc many other Middle East countries family time to time that the other people of the world may adopt. For me its one of the best rice recipe I have ever eaten cooked out of Chicken, Eggplant, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Belpaper , Onion, Garlic, Chilli, etc. First the vegitables and meat is separately fried before putting cooked rice on top of it to cook for 20 minutes and then turn up side down to serve it on the table. As it is fried and cooked again it creates a yummy taste and flavor im the rice and its a nice combination of rice, meat and vegitables that are very health for the health.
Please feel free to cook at home following this video. Thank you for Reading ~ Maybelyn