For every genuine Sudanese who loves his country.. and is proud of his stature and his country.. and raises his head for the sake of his country.. and to raise Sudan and its people.. and to make them happy everywhere.. and to be an authentic Sudanese always and forever.. in his country and outside his country.. and to help the Sudanese Each other with love.. so that the world knows that this people is great and its people are honorable, and their country is a yes country and I prefer it despite all the lofty circumstances for Sudan and its people.. and we are proud of your soil wherever we are..
لكل سوداني اصيل محب لوطنه .. وفخور بمكانة و وطنه .. ورافع راسه من اجل بلاده .. وان يرفع السودان وناسه .. وان يسعدهم فى كل مكان .. وان يكون السودانى اصيل دوما وابدا .. فى بلادة وحارج بلادة .. وان يساعد السودانين بعضهم البعض بكل حب .. ليعرف العالم ان ذلك الشعب عظيم وناسه كرام وبلادهم نعم البلاد وافضله برغم كل الظروف الرفعة للسودان وناسة .. ونفخر بترابك اينما كنا ..