Amid a bitter war in the state Congress, Charanjit Singh Channi has been elected as the Chief Minister of Punjab. Charanjit Singh Channi comes from the Dalit community. The Congress high command thought that by appointing Charanjit Singh Channi of the Dalit community as the Chief Minister of Punjab, it had played a masterstroke in terms of Dalit votes. From Rahul Gandhi to Randeep Surjewala had also indicated to capitalize on it. But it was only a few hours before his masterstroke that a three-year-old MeToo case had hit Channi. BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya has tweeted in this regard. On the other hand, Charanjit Singh Channi has bitter relations with the former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder and the opposition got furious when Channi became the CM. Watch this video.