The beautiful and bubbly Kajol is currently enjoying herself in Moscow, Russia. The actor is spending quality time with her family. On October 19, Kajol gave a sneak peek into the outing with her family. She shared a picture featuring her sister-in-law Neelam Devgan Gandhi and nephew Aman Gandhi at a restaurant in Moscow. In the pictures we can also see Kajol’s son Yug. Neelam is Ajay Devgn's sister. She has two sons, Aman and Daanish. . Recently, Yug celebrated his birthday with father Ajay Devgn at an \"all boys party\" in the Maldives. Aman and Daanish Gandhi were also there. Kajol was recently spotted with son Yug at Durga Puja celebrations in Mumbai. At the pandal, Yug was seen hugging mother Kajol a couple of times. Yug was seen with his mother all the time. Watch the video to know more.