Popular actor Puneeth Rajkumar died on October 29 in Bengaluru. The 46-year-old veteran actor suffered a heart attack. The news has left his fans and colleagues shocked. Reportedly, Rajkumar was taken to Vikram Hospital on October 29 morning in an \"unresponsive\" condition. PM Narendra Modi tweeted, “A cruel twist of fate has snatched away from us a prolific and talented actor, Puneeth Rajkumar.” Actor Siddharth tweeted, “I cannot process this. Cannot believe you've left us Puneeth.” Actor Mahesh Babu said, “Shocked and deeply saddened.” Varun Tej Konidela said, “Shell shocked!” Pooja Hegde said, “Such a big loss for Indian Cinema.” Chiranjeevi tweeted, “Shocking ,devastating & heartbreaking!” Dulquer Salmaan said, “One of the kindest and warmest actors/gentlemen.” Former Indian cricketer Anil Kumble said, “One of the finest human being I’ve met. So vibrant and humble. Gone too soon.” Harbhajan Singh tweeted, “Life is so unpredictable.” Watch the video to know more.