In an address during the Gurpurab celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Gurudwara Lakhpat Sahib in Kutch, Gujarat via video conferencing, Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked about the success in bringing the copies of Guru Granth Sahib from Afghanistan. “In 2019, our government completed the work of the Kartarpur Corridor. In 2021, we are celebrating 400 years of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's Prakash Utsav, you must have seen we were successful in bringing the copies of Guru Granth Sahib from Afghanistan,” said PM Modi. “It has always been a matter of pride for Gujarat that the fourth Gursikh, Bhai Mokham Singh Ji, was from Gujarat, who played an important role in the establishment of Khalsa Panth,” said PM Modi.