Systemic Enzymes
Cancer doctors have discovered that the food the patient eats is critical to successful cancer
treatment. What’s more, the diets they recommend have one big ingredient in common — enzymes — a common ingredient of fresh foods that most doctors who DON’T treat cancer would call unimportant. It turns out the benefits of this type of nutrient go way beyond cancer. Actually, enzyme therapy for autistic children has produced the most eye popping results. It’s in the autism studies that you can see the clearest proof. Cancer doctors use enzymes as one of many therapies, but with the autistic children, the incredible results were clearly the result of enzymes and ONLY enzymes, and the healing that took place was so dramatic no one can deny it. What’s more, the group of children involved — 260 kids — was large and the mother who
collected the data was a trained scientist who was unusually careful and rigorous.
In other words, the jury is in and the verdict has been rendered. enzymes can change your life
and save your life. You’ll discover the autism study I call the “smoking gun” — the evidence that proves beyond doubt that enzymes are the missing ingredient for good health.
And that’s saying something, because the results in beating cancer alone will be enough to
make you rush to a supplement store to buy systemic enzymes.