The BJP registered a remarkable win in Uttar Pradesh, set to secure 270 plus seats out of the stateтАЩs 403 seats. However, even as CM Yogi-Adityanath led BJP won the state elections, the party lost some of its big names. Some prominent names including Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya┬аlost in this important election. Keshav Prasad Maurya┬аlost to Pallavi Patel. BJP MLA Sangeet Som lost to SPтАЩs Atul Pradhan. Ajay Kumar Lallu, Congress state president┬аlost to BJPтАЩs Asim Kumar in Tamkuhi Raj constituency. Satish Dwivedi lost to veteran SP leader Mata Prasad Pandey. Watch the video to know more.