When William Branham joined forces with Roy E. Davis, it was no ordinary religious event, and Davis was no ordinary Pentecostal preacher. Davis had a long history of criminal activity ranging from stealing money from a bank to sex with underaged girls crossing state lines. In fact, Davis was arrested during a revival meeting in Jeffersonville for charges surrounding sex with 17-year-old Allie Lee Garrison.
Roy’s brothers Dan and W. L. Davis came to Roy’s aid, making the scene even more unusual. Dan was at the center of the investigation of stealing money from a bank back in Texas, and Dan did not join Roy’s church in Jeffersonville. Instead, Dan set up a competing Pentecostal church while he and Roy ran a “missionary” operation across the river in Louisville, KY and attracted even more criminal charges. It was during this time that William Branham decided to join forces with Roy Davis, and by association, his brothers.
You can learn this and more on William-Branham.org.