A tragic accident has occurred during the annual chariot festival in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. At least 11 people have died after being hit by a high voltage wire. Central Zone IG V Balakrishnan said the chariot came in contact with a live wire. 11 have died and many are injured due to electrocution
तमिलनाडु के तंजावुर में वार्षिक रथ उत्सव के दौरान दर्दनाक हादसा हुआ है। हाई वोल्टेज तार की चपेट में आने से कम से कम 11 लोगों की मौत हो गई है। सेंट्रल जोन के आईजी वी बालाकृष्णन ने कहा कि रथ एक जिंदा तार के संपर्क में आ गया। करंट की चपेट में आकर 11 की मृत्य हुई है और कई घायल हैं
#TamilNaidu #Thanjavur #11Death
Tamil Nadu,Kalimedu,Thanjavur district,chariot procession,Police,Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur district News, Tamil Nadu News, 11 died in tamil nadu, 11 died in temple procession, 11 died in tanjavur district, 11 died due to lightning, 11 died to electric current, 11 died in Thanjavur district, people died due to current, people died due to electrict current,तंजावुर,तमिलनाडु,oneindia hindi,oneindia hindi news,वनइंडिया हिंदी, वनइंडिया न्यूज, वनइंडिया हिंदी न्यूज़