Siddhanth Kapoor, actor Shakti Kapoor’s son, has been detained for allegedly taking drugs during a party at a Bengaluru hotel. As reported by NDTV, the police raided the party after a tip-off. Samples of around 35 guests were sent for medical tests. As reported by NDTV, officials said that five guests tested positive for drugs and Siddhanth Kapoor was one of them. Siddhanth Kapoor has acted in movies like ‘Haseena Parkar’, ‘Jazbaa’ and ‘Shootout At Wadala’. In 2020, Shraddha Kapoor, Siddhanth’s sister, was questioned by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in connection with allegations of a Bollywood-drugs nexus after actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death. Watch the video to know more.