Poll Shows Most Americans , Oppose the Supreme Court's, Abortion Ruling.
NPR reports that a majority of Americans
say they disagree with the Supreme Court's
overthrowing of Roe v. Wade.
According to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll,
a majority also think the ruling was politically motivated
and has raised concerns for other rights being lost.
On June 24, the Supreme Court reversed 50 years
of precedent that access to an abortion
was a right in the United States.
The decision by the nation's highest court
places the right to regulate abortion
in the hands on individual states.
About half of the states have already
made moves to limit access to abortions
or ban the procedure completely.
According to NPR, a majority of Americans said that the issue is a personal one, with two-thirds of respondents saying they or someone they know has had an abortion.
At the same time, the NPR poll showed
that confidence in the Supreme Court
is also on the decline.
58% of respondents said
that they have not much or
no confidence in the institution.
Only 39% of respondents said they feel
a great deal or a quite a lot of confidence
in the United States' highest court.
According to NPR, the decision has also
driven more people to vote in the upcoming
midterm elections, particularly Democrats