Presenting the Official Hindi Teaser of our upcoming film "HANUMAN". HANUMAN the first ever multilingual Superhero Film set in the world of Anjandari. The film will Kickstart the Indian MythoVerse franchise with #HanumanTeaser and the film will release in 2023. The Telugu spectacle will release Pan India in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. The film is Written & Directed by the visionary Prasanth Varma and stars Teja Sajja, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Amritha Aiyer & Vinay Rai in the lead roles. The film is Presented by RKD Studios and has been produced by K Niranjan Reddy.
Director:- Prasanth Varma
StarCast:- Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Rai
Presented By: RKD Studios
Music:- Anudeep Dev, Hari Gowra, Jay Krish, Krishna Saurabh
Producer:- K. Niranjan Reddy, Primeshow Entertainment