Screen Babble: Happy Valley Finale, Pamela, a Love Story, The Gold and Scream Queens 2023-02-09

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Kelly, Alex and Steven return to keep you right on your viewing journey. In their chat about what they've been watching there are both recommendations and strong 'avoids' discussed. Steven has been watching That's my Jam and we can confirm it definitely is not Steven's jam...he was happier with The Detectorists. Alex is persevering with Shrinking to no avail, he's watching Party Down in advance of a new series and of course, watched the Happy Valley finale. Kelly watched this too and they manage to take it apart with no spoilers - hooray! Kelly watched Pamela, a Love Story which she found kinda informative and Right Here, Right Now - the documentary about Fat Boy Slim's big gig on Brighton Beach in 2002 and found it kinda lacking but good for nostalgia purposes.

In the deep dive this week Alex tells us all about The Gold, starting on BBC1 next Sunday night. Steven gives us the low down on Scream Queens on Disney+ - spoiler alert he doesn't like the uber celeb appearances in this programme.

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