Priyanka Chahar Tejo's onscreen mother Kamal Dadiala AKA Satti Sandhu shares Tejo's onscreen offscreen mother. Priyanka Chahar Tejo's onscreen mother Kamal Dadiala AKA Satti Sandhu missing Tejo. Also Priyanka Chahar Tejo's onscreen brother Dilraj promotes Priyankit Song. She shares Priyanka Tejo's onscreen offscreen mother. Recently she shares holi memories with Priyanka Tejo and some Tejo moments from Udaariyaan . As you know Priyanka Chahar gets a house in Mumbai. Priyanka doing fun with BFF Rashmeet Kaur Sethi. Priyanka Chahar and Ankit's new photo from their music video goes viral. PriyAnkit fans get happy. Watch Video to know more
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