In This Mission:
{Location: Philippines
Time: 2400HRS Juliet
Six Days Ago}
Profile: Mechanics
To Use Night Vision Goggles “Press V”
Reach the Over Watch Through the Caves
Locate the Captured Friendly
Cover the Assault Team
Eliminate the Enemy Holding the Hostage
Reach the Southern Side of the Resort Through the Caves
Reach the Over Watch on the Villa Terrace
Eliminate the Enemies on the Road and Clear the Area
Reach the Observatory Building Undetected and Clear the Area
Reach the Over Watch in the Old Observatory
Wait for Both Parties to Arrive at the Transaction
Eliminate the Enemies on the Yacht Undetected
Eliminate the Enemies on the Beach
Shoot the Breaker Box
Eliminate the Enemies by the Pool and Clear the Area
Cover the Assault Team and Clear the Area