OpenAI Chief Goes Before Congress , to Suggest Licenses for Building AI.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman addressed
a Senate panel on May 16.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman addressed
a Senate panel on May 16.
He said that AI's ability to compromise election integrity is a "significant area
of concern," Reuters reports.
Altman went on to say that AI
development needs regulation.
I think we also need rules, guidelines, on what’s expected
in terms of disclosure from a company providing a model.
I am nervous about it, Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO, via statement.
Altman suggests that licensing or registration requirements should be in place "for AI with certain capabilities," Reuters reports. .
This would help the U.S. to
establish and enforce safety standards. .
AI critics fear the technology will have far-reaching negative effects.
For example, prejudice and misinformation could be propagated.
Others suggest "AI could end humanity itself," Reuters reports.
An OpenAI employee recently suggested
creating an AI licensing agency called the
Office for AI Safety and Infrastructure Security (OASIS).
It remains to be seen whether
that will be made a reality