There is an incredible hidden hazard - as batteries get smaller, the dangers get bigger. Lithium coin batteries are sending kids to the ER in record numbers, yet many parents remain unaware of the dangers of accidental ingestion. Accidental ingestions of lithium coin batteries among young children are on the rise. In fact, there are 7,000 battery ingestions in the U.S. each year, according to the National Capital Poison Center. Duracell is sounding the alarm. When it comes to lithium coin batteries, #BitterIsBetter. Duracell is the only battery brand to coat their Lithium Coin Batteries (2032, 2025 and 2016) with a non-toxic bitter coating that discourages kids from swallowing them in the first place. Take the #BitterisBetter pledge at and across social media to learn more about lithium coin battery safety and join parents across the country in pledging to replace the lithium coin batteries in their homes with the safest option for kids.