I Had to Take Off My Hijab My Mum Rejected Me Because of Islam
Muslims do not worship Yeshua, who is known as Isa in Arabic, nor do they consider him divine, but they do believe that he was a prophet or messenger of God and he is called the Messiah in the Quran. Correcting the Issues raised by Muslims is very fundamental. We can not overlook the false believes about Yeshua by Muslims. We have to defend our faith. Yeshua is our hope. Our True Messiah. He is divine.
Women who decide to remove the hijab when they are in countries where it's required could face legal penalties, including fines or even imprisonment. In addition, in countries where the hijab is prohibited or disapproved of, women are at risk of being discriminated against or criticized in the event of removing it.
The word hijab means veil or barrier, and it is meant to protect Muslim women from the eyes and lust of the outside world; only family, the woman's husband, and other women are permitted to see a woman without her covering (in moderation).
Many people use the term 'hijab' as an equivalent to the burqa. But this is not the case. In the context of its usage in the Quran, 'Hijab' refers to a 'curtain or barrier' ( Qura'an 42, 51).