The Creator is a science-fiction action thriller taking place during a war between humans and artificial intelligence and follows an ex-special forces agent who's recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI. It's already being dubbed the best sci-fi flick of the year so definitely one to add to the list if you're a fan.
Next - another highly rated one. Seth Rogen's comedy can be divisive but Dumb Money is uniting fans scoring 87% approval on rotten tomatoes so far. It's been described as a crowd-pleasing dramatization of real-life stock hijinks. It follows the everyday people who flipped the script on Wall Street and got rich by turning US retailer GameStop into one of the world's hottest companies.
And last - The Expendables four is the welcome return of your action hero faves like Statham and Stallone along with some new blood too in the form of Megan Fox and Fifty Cent. This time, the last line of defence take on an arms dealer who heads up a massive private army.