#Qantaspilots #WesternAustralia #strike24
Qantas pilots, who operate flights to passengers, charter and flight services in Western Australia, will stop working for 24 hours next week because workers complain about “significant lower” wages than other airlines. He said that he informed Australian Air Pilots Federation who represented the pilots employed by Network Aviation, a subsidiary of Qantas Link, FIFO and Charter for airline in Western Australia.. Members will continue on Wednesday, October 4 with a 24 -hour pause of all work. Stop operation action can affect more than 50 flights from Perth, including EXMOUTH, Karratha, Geraldton and Kalgoorlie, including Qantas connection paths and mineral sites. More than 85% Network Aviation's 250 pilots are AFAP members, 99.5% them voted in favor performing legally protected industrial action, including a series work prohibitions and work stops approved by the Fair Working Commission. Guardian understands that many pilots in Qantas side organization are in basic reward rates and that despite larger performance expectations, entry -level gained same as pilots. Senior Industrial Officer Chris Aikens said Afap was "disappointed that we need to take care of this action". Afap is trying to reach an agreement with Qantas Management, but company does not want to revise non -flexible wage policy created within scope of old CEO [Alan Joyce]. ” AFAP also represents pilots employed by Eastern Australian Airlines Sunstate Airlines - subsidiaries of the New South Wales and Queensland -based Qantas Group - separate wage agreements voted to approve legally protected industrial action. Where is everything wrong for Qantas?- Video For subsidiaries, Afap pilots operate in Qantas link services flying to Victoria and South Australia, as well as in their internal states.The union membership between the three affiliated organizations is over 85%. A qantaslink spokesman said that the airline was olmad unexpected situation plans to minimize the disruption in customers ”. “We are working to try and solve this and avoid any industrial action. Our first agreement offers important wage increases and more guaranteed days from each staff period and we were disappointed to negotiate the industrial action,” he said. Stop working action comes as the empathized Qantas President Richard Goyder continues to challenge calls to go down from his position. Goyder, who appeared before a Senate investigation on Wednesday, has repeatedly encountered questions about his performance as President of Qantas in light of recent epics swallowing airline, and ability to serve in role given Woodside and AFL Commission Presidency. Shorting defenders, corporate governance experts and a separate Qantas Pilots Union was called for Goyder to resign after supervising various reputation damage from various discussions that forced the former CEO Alan Joyce to exit early. Goyder said to the investigation, “I support me with great shareholders very