The heart-wrenching incident in Ujjain has left the entire country in a state of shock. The incident came to light on September 25 when a 15-year-old girl was discovered in distress on a road within the Mahakal police station jurisdiction in Ujjain. She was promptly admitted to a hospital, where a medical examination confirmed that she had been a victim of rape. Amid all this, a Madhya Pradesh Police official, who was part of the investigation into the rape case of a minor girl in Ujjain, has come forward and has offered to take responsibility for the girl's medical treatment, education, and marriage.
#Ujjain #UjjainRapeCase #UjjainMinorGirl #UjjainHorror #UjjainPoliceOfficial #AjayVerma #UjjainVictim #UjjainAutoDriverArrested