One Journey Ends, A New Journey Begins

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As many of you are aware, Charles and I have published our final episode on the research of the life and times of William Branham. It has been a fascinating journey from start to finish, and we have put together what is definitely the most comprehensive study on what is called 'The Message,' the different versions of 'the message,' and the different stage personas used by William Branham and his co-conspirators to create those "message movements".

We have three additional podcasts to release in that series, all recorded in one EXHAUSTING session, that will address the many questions that have been sent in to us. The plan is to release those as podcasts starting next Monday, though we may not release them as a 'premiere' with chat while we take a much-overdue break.

For those of you who have supported us in this journey after having escaped the 'Message' cult, ending the series on Branham presents a huge problem: a mass exodus that would otherwise fizzle out. Social media such as YouTube is ranked based on activity and content release, and should those two metrics die out, the likelihood of wandering souls trapped in the Branham cult might be limited as to what they can find. It is a problem that I have faced all along—I've tried to walk away from this several times, but each time either the cult attacked and brought down one of our many social media accounts, or I'd notice the traffic fading. Even though I don't push people to do so, those 'likes' and 'subscribes' are... extremely... important for search engine optimization. Simply put: we are seeing the largest exodus from the "Message" and its splinter groups globally that we have ever seen, and we will not let that exodus fade.

Last year, Charles and I stumbled onto something that neither of us had considered, and it is absolutely fascinating. It is still related to William Branham, though indirectly, and is a trail of research that definitely needs to be exposed. Christianity was weaponized by various individuals in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and some of those key players included the Nazis. We covered this briefly in our podcast about the 'Great Sedition Trial of 1944,' but there is much, much more to the story. Christian fundamentalism was fully weaponized by key religious and political figures in multiple countries, and a war was waged on United States politics through religion. William Branham mentioned almost being arrested for his part in the weaponization, which was the key to unlocking that history once we learned Roy E. Davis's, F. F. Bosworth's, Paul Rader's, and others' connection to Gerald Burton Winrod, the 'Kansas Hitler.' After releasing that, we found Gordon Lindsay working with one of the main actors in what would become the most brutal and corrupt religious systems in recent world history, leading to the white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and more.

Our plan going forward is to dive deeper into that investigation and publish that history. Some of you have given us some

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