Princess Beatrice has welcomed her first child — and predictions for what she has named the baby are still rolling in. After it was announced Monday that Princess Beatrice, 33, and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi welcomed a daughter over the weekend, baby girl names were on every royal fan's mind. On the betting site Ladbrokes, Matilda was the favorite name prediction with 4/1 odds. Florence (9/2), Arabella (5/1) and Cecelia (5/1) all follow close behind, with Francesca (6/1) and Elizabeth (7/1) next in line. "It should come as no surprise to see that punters are backing slightly more unusual names for the new royal baby given Beatrice and her sister's monikers," Jessica O'Reilly of ...
#WhatWillPrincessBeatriceNameHerBabyGirlSee, #LatestPredictions
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