Updated and Improved Custom Death Sound Addon Tutorial (2023): https://youtu.be/x0F01oRtqAw
here are download links to all the things you need:
GMPU - https://mega.nz/#!391njIwZ!r8uUtOrhhZzqT79wMua2UqxTLh9eHyfp_zF447XY1zQ
Notepad++ (get the newest version) - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/
Audacity - https://www.audacityteam.org/download/
Code for death.lua file - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hfQWT9kAUk3VquT7meIjjY4jYbK2D42N
0:00 Required Programs for Addon Creation
0:19 Setting up Folder Path
2:10 Creating and Configuring LUA File
5:32 Editing Custom Sound Settings to Match Base Sound in Audacity
11:23 Returning to LUA File to Make Sure Code is Configured Properly
13:21 Moving Addon to "addons" Folder/Addon Testing Tips
14:51 Testing Custom Death Sound (Through Console Command)
15:53 Uploading Addon to Workshop with GMPU