A day after the successful operations at the Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhmai met the rescued workers and handed over relief cheques to them in the hospital. A video has been posted by the news agency ANI wherein the Chief Minister can be seen meeting the workers at Chinyalisaur Community Health Centre and handing over cheques to them. Watch the video here.
#UttarkashiTunnelRescue #CMDhami #PushkarSinghDhamiMeetsWorkers #RescuedWorkers #UttarkashiTunnelDroneFootage #WorkersRescued #WorkersRescuedVideo #UttarkashiDroneVisuals #SilkyaraTunnel #Uttarakhand #MiningExperts #ManualDrilling #VerticalDrilling #CharDhamRoute