CARRIE, 30, first met Randy, 63, aged 27 on a dating app. At the time Carrie was in a challenging financial situation and realised Randy was well off. She explained, "Randy and I met on Tinder. My first intention was to milk him dry and peace out." But her feelings towards Randy developed over time, as he supported her to get back on her feet, even purchasing her a BMW so that she could drive to work. "I felt sorry that I was neglecting him and his feelings when he was doing so much for me," she said. After a year they met in person, and their relationship blossomed. Carrie is now a stay-at-home girlfriend, living with Randy. Despite the 33-year age gap, they enjoy their time together, going travelling, to festivals and fancy restaurants, all paid for by Randy. However, some people in her life are unsure whether the relationship will last the test of time. Carrie explained, "People typically assume that I'm a gold digger. People stare, I've seen them make fun of us." Even her long-time friend Sabrina has had doubts, appearing in the film she asks the couple: "Does this guy just want some young hot girl to take advantage of?"