Meet the pet detective who has helped track down and reunite 330 lost dogs with their owners for free - using a thermal imaging drone.
Erica Hart, 44, got her first drone - a DJI Phantom - as a present from her dad, Eric, 78, in April 2018
After practising with it, Eric told Erica there was a dog missing in their local area and suggested she use her drone to help find it.
Erica called the owner of the missing dog after spotting a post on social media - a schnauzer that went missing on a walk - and went out to help him find it.
Using her drone, she tracked down the pooch who was besides a tree and reunited him with their owner.
Word spread and Erica said it "snowballed" from there and she has since been on 330 dog rescue missions with her drone - and even kept a few of the pooches she's found.
Erica is out every day searching for dogs around Yorkshire.