Steve Ballmer On The LA Clippers New Home the 'Intuit Dome'

Forbes 2024-02-22

Views 880

Los Angeles Clippers Owner Steve Ballmer sat down with Forbes Senior Writer Jabari Young at the NBA All-Star Tech Summit to talk about the progress on the Clippers new home the Intuit Dome, the future of streaming in sports, and the two things that worry him in the U.S. economy.

0:00 Introduction
0:14 What Steve Ballmer Has Learned At The NBA Tech Conference
1:43 Steve Ballmer's Sports Inspirations
4:48 Construction On Ballmer's New Arena: What's New?
8:35 Ballmer On Vital Partnerships
9:59 Geo-Politics And How That Plays Into Major Sporting Events And Venues
12:03 Steve Ballmer On His Success And Fortune
14:27 From Steve Ballmer: What Makes A Good Tech Company vs. A Great One?

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