Ari Blitz has recorded more than a dozen videos in MyStudio, each more creative than the previous. They are all available to view in hi-res at In his latest video, for his original song "I'll Be Fine," Ari did four takes, each time performing a separate music track. By recording each music and video track on top of the previous, so his music and image is in the background with each subsequent take. The end result is a complete song and a video with four separate images of Ari. If you are in the Scottsdale, AZ area and would like to record your own videos in MyStudio, it is located on the ground floor of Scottsdale Fashion Square, in the Palm Court (just east of the food court). Videos are automatically uploaded to our website and kept private until/unless you make them public. Please visit to plan your session and to create your free social networking profile. With a profile, you can leave Ari comments, send him messages, or add him as a friend. Distributed by Tubemogul.