Electric Charge & Field, Coulomb's Law, Electric Potential, Dipole Moment #oneshot #physics #live
Hello Students
In this live lecture, I discuss Complete Electrostatics (One Shot), In this live lecture I discuss Coulomb's Law, Electric Field, Gauss Law, Electric Dipole, Potential Energy etc.
In Electric Charge And Field
What is Charge? Charge is the fundamental Property of material by which it produces electric and magnetic effect.
Property of Charge:
Like charge repell each other and unlike charge attract each other, additivity of charge, quantisation of charge, conservation of charge etc.
Coulomb's Law is an experimental Study, force interaction between two point charge is directly proportional to the product of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Electric field is an imaginory curve in which a positive test charge experienced a force and the direction of electric field is along the tangent at any point on the curve or in which direction positive charge tends to move when if it free to do so.
Gauss's Law states that the total flux passing through the closed imaginary surface is diectly proportional to the charge inclosed the surface.
Electric Dipole is an arrangement of two equal and opposite charge placed at finite distance.
Potential Energy is the work done on a point charge to bring it from infinity to a finite distance from the other charge very slowly.
Work done on a test charge to bring it from infinity to a finite distance from other charge is called electric potential.
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